Friday, January 18, 2013

Making The Right Choices

The first day of college for me was very overwhelming and it probably will be for you too. Unless you're already in college then you know the feeling I'm talking about. There will be so many new faces and cool new things to try. However, being a Christian I had to make sure I made the right choices. So, I decided to write this blog to help new Christian college freshman or college students who recently accepted Jesus into their lives. I remember the first week we had an activities fair where most of the organizations on campus had booths. As I walked around I thought to myself, this is where I can start over and be whoever I want to be, but I realized it's not about what I want, but about what God wants. So that day I didn't sign up for anything because the one organization I wanted to join was no where to be found. This organization was Campus Crusade for Christ or as we like to call it Cru. So, think about it, I could have joined any organization, but instead I waited because I knew the right choice was to wait and see what Cru had in store. The next week I found out when and where Cru was and I was so excited to go. Although, Cru is on Thursdays and some of my new friends wanted me to go out with them. I had two options either go out and drink or go to Cru and learn more about Jesus. Now since you don't know me you're probably thinking that I went to Cru since I was so excited to go. Well you're wrong, I actually did end up skipping Cru and going out with my friends. The next morning I woke up feeling terrible so I opened my bible and read Pslam 55: 14 which says, "We who had sweet fellowship together, Walked in the house of God in the throng." As I read that I realized that I didn't make the right decision and I promised myself the next week I would be attending Cru. So, I went to Cru and I absolutely loved it! Over the past months I have made so many amazing friends who I consider family. I did make a wrong choice, but once I realized I was wrong I made the best choice I have ever made. So, my advice to you my fellow brothers and sisters is to ask God first instead of making the choice yourself. He truly does know best and always has your best interest!


  1. I like that you posted bible verse in your blog. but I wished that if the paragraph has been divided little bit.. at least into two parts would make readers easier to see the words.

  2. Thanks Jake, I'll try and make it into two paragraphs.
